Post #8

The labor displacement and expected impact on the workforce of technology in Iran is consistent with the impacts across the world. More and more people will lose their jobs to machines and algorithms. While many engineers will be employed to help develop artificial intelligence, this will not be enough to combat the overall loss ofContinue reading “Post #8”

Post #4

Iran has suffered from extreme levels of poverty for over forty years. In December 2017, protests took place across the country protesting four decades of a brutal dictatorship that was responsible for the deteriorating Iranian economy, corruption, and suffering to Iranian people. Supreme Leader Khamenei and President Rohani neglected the people’s misery throughout their rule,Continue reading “Post #4”

Post #1 Coronavirus in Iran

The current coronavirus pandemic happening worldwide has led to a staggering number of deaths; however, due to the falsifying of information and coronavirus statistics by some governments, it is unclear how accurate the total death toll is worldwide. In an attempt to appear like the country has the pandemic under control, governmental officials in someContinue reading “Post #1 Coronavirus in Iran”

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